CONCLUSION: In complete dentition, the occlusal strength is distributed through the contact area between interproximal teeth, therefore, the stress value of crown is low. 结论:完整牙列受力时,牙合力通过牙之间的接触区传递分散,牙冠的应力值很小。
A study of three-dimensional finite element of three kinds of occlusal splints effect on the surface stress of condyle 三种夹板对髁状突表面应力影响的三维有限元研究
The results showed that under vertical loading, the bearing compress stress on the occlusal region, the tensile stress concentration were observed at buccal cervical marginal of all-ceramic crowns; 结果:全瓷冠承受垂直载荷时,■龈向主要产生压应力,颊侧颈缘有张应力集中;
Effect of change in occlusal contact areas of the mandibular second molar on temporomandibular joint stress distribution: a 3-dimensional finite element analysis 下颌第二磨牙咬合接触变化对颞下颌关节应力分布的影响
Objective: To study the stress state of the base of MCD induced by the different strength of the occlusal force. So was the strongest stress and the average value of the occlusal force. 目的:研究牙合力大小对基托应力状况的影响。应力峰值亦与牙合力平均值的大小成正相关关系。
Objective: To investigate the influence of occlusal surface morphology on stress distribution in the base of maxillary complete dentures ( MCD). 目的:探讨异常牙合面形态对上颌全口义齿基托应力分布状况的影响。
Occlusal force is the most direct origin of that load, which has varying directions, different types and individual diversity. In the process of biting, the character and capacity of occlusal contact play an important role in stabilizing the stress environment of TMJ. TMJ负荷的最直接来源为咬合力,其具有多向、多样及个体差异性。在咬合过程中,咬合接触的质与量对于保持TMJ应力环境的稳定有着十分重要的作用。